139 search results
Query Pagination · completed
Add option to save a query in Firestore Query Builder
DocumentReference join query
Add Query Explain to Firestore query builder (in Firebase Console)
Allow use of document value as query paramter
Realtime Query Updates
Allow updating multiple documents through a query
request.query security rules
SQL Aggregation Queries in GraphQL
Put the button to run a query on bottom not top in the console's query builder
Allow running Firestore queries from console
Support multiple range query · completed
Query language (like SQL) but for firestore to enable developers to share queries across the whole stack
Firestore collection group query on document id
Geolocation Queries for Firestore
Low-Latency Data Cache
Add "children count" to Firestore queries
should be able to sort data and select data with criteria on different fields
Data Transformation With CEL expression
Allow listening to firestore document/query changes without getting a snapshot automatially