77 results found
Add support to programmatically configure social providers for tenants
Add the ability to configure social authentication methods like Google, Facebook, etc. like how OIDC and SAML can be done.
Also, the ability to use the parent configuration for Google Authentication so it is just an enable like in the Web Console UI. This reduces the overhead code that we need to provide if all we are doing is splitting into different tenants for management reasons.
2 votes -
[Email Verification] Need to have a param to set expiration time
As of now, there is no way we can set a custom expiration time for the Email Signin with link authentication. Our use case is that we generate this link through admin sdk and then mail the users (as an invite).
Hence, it becomes really important for us to have a custom expiration time.
1 vote -
remove recaptcha firebase phone auth flutter
remove recaptcha firebase phone auth flutter
1 vote -
Expand auth blocking functions
Support some additional data sent during the
that can be read in thebeforeCreate
3 votes -
Include User Online Feature
Just like we have user logged in etc, can we have isUserOnline?
3 votes -
Need a .net MAUI support on Apple sign-in for authentication
Need a .net MAUI support on Apple sign-in for authentication
1 vote -
For Firebase / Flutter administrators who would like to use Entra AD (Azure AD) for Flutter Android,iOS and Web apps, the administrative setup and documentation should be easy to follow. The administrative process should be consistent with the Google authentication scenario.
1 vote -
Automatic SMS OTP read with English templates
For automatic SMS retrieval to work, SMS length has to be under 64 bytes. This means currently that for English SMS template, the app name has to be 11-14 characters. Play Console allows max 30 characters. Firebase doesn't allow customers to modify the SMS template contents themselves. Now I'm working around by utilizing some other languages, that will fit below 64 bytes with current app name.
Two options I suggest to achieve this:
1) Modify the English SMS template: remove unnecessary filler words and make it shorter, so that it will fit to 64bytes with max 30 char app names.…
6 votes -
Add custom permissions claims to access tokens via Firebase web interface
Firebase currently only allows you to add custom claims to ID tokens, and it suggests adding role based access control (RBAC) permissions in those ID token claims.
RBAC custom claims should be added to the access token which is already included in the Authorization header in all API requests, so the API already has access to the token that it needs. Additionally including an ID token in API requests so that the API can read permissions from it is overly complicated and superfluous.
Furthermore, you should be able to add these claims to access tokens for specific users via the…
2 votes -
Multifactor admin SDK: "Other Admin SDK languages are not currently supported."
The page "Manage Multi-factor Users" (https://firebase.google.com/docs/auth/admin/manage-mfa-users) says "Install the Node.js Admin SDK. Other Admin SDK languages are not currently supported."
It's odd that this random feature doesn't work in other languages. Please add them (mainly C#).
3 votes -
API Revoke Token
Simple API to revoke the token/refresh token from a backend without using the SDK.
19 votes -
Does Native Support for Authentication for EHR Providers like Epic and Cerner
Authentication is a difficult part of getting healthcare apps out there, and rightfully so, patient data security is hugely important. If Firebase offered this natively, not only would development be faster, but fewer mistakes/vulnerabilities would be present in healthcare apps that integrate with EHR.
1 vote -
2 votes
Add Bulk User Update to SDK
Add a bulk update user method to avoid handling the user configuration update limit of 10/s in code. Specifically, my use case is to bulk disable/enable users in a single call.
1 vote -
1 vote
Blocking Functions for User Reset password
Currently you can only add blocking functions for User signup and User sign in. I want to be able to add a Blocking function for User Reset password.
This way I can customize password requirements at the API level and implement features in Cloud functions + Firestore such as preventing previous password reuse.
I would have used Cloud Functions + Firestore for my Blocking function, but because this feature didn't exist I ultimately decided to move my auth password checks to my AWS hosted backend API.
3 votes -
Auth: install, not only authorise, a GitHub app
GitHub Apps are now the preferred alternative to GitHub Oauth Apps. When authenticating with Firebase Auth and a GitHub App, the app is "authorised" but not "installed", which can lead to inconsistent behaviour (https://github.com/orgs/community/discussions/61677). It would be nice if the GitHub provider had an option for prompting the user to "Authorise and Install" rather than only "Authorise".
2 votes -
Support firebaseui-web
This highly valuable library is out of date with many issues.
1 vote -
RecaptchaVerifier should provide access to the shared secret
I'm creating a Contact form in a React app, which stores the user input in firebase. I'd like to secure the form with a visible reCAPTCHA, and I'm trying out firebase's built-in reCAPTCHA functionality.
does provide a callback, which can be used to sign in a user, and documentation shows it working when signing in with a phone number. Can it be used with anonymous authentication though?When the form is submitted, I have a server component that saves the form fields to firestore. However, how can I verify the recaptcha before committing the data to firestore?
I feel…
3 votes -
Enhance password security
Currently, it is entirely possible for a user to reset a password that is unsecure with firebase's miniapp
it does not validate against the default password conditions or reference the identity toolkit policies
a community member has created a temporary fix
https://betterprogramming.pub/firebases-password-reset-is-insecure-here-s-how-to-fix-it-882629e3b779I propose this reset dialog gets enhanced to a standard.
and allow projects to integrate password policies from the identity toolkit
https://cloud.google.com/identity-platform/docs/password-policy4 votes
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