104 results found
Allow String to Timestamp conversion in Firestore rules
In Firestore rule, it could be very powerful to convert String containing date to Timestamp. For example, the RevenueCat extension store date as ISO 8601 string and we can't use them in firestore rule because date are not Timestamp.
In my Firestore rule, I would like to do something like :
timestamp.parse(collection.data.expires_date) > request.time
21 votes -
313 votes
Speed up Firestore Index Creation
I absolutely love the fact how firebase handles non-existing indexes with a link to the creation of an index.
I also understand, that building the index, even for an empty database takes a couple of minutes, but maybe there is something you can do to speed up the process.5 votes -
View Firestore Total Space Used
Currently, billing/usage only shows usage for reads/writes/deletes. We are also being billed for total storage space. Can you please add observability into how much space is currently being used across each Firestore Database?
4 votes -
onDisconnect for firestore (user presence)
We have a workaround by using Realtime Database, but if you don't work realtime databases in your app, this seems inefficient and cumbersome. I'd like to see a native method for Firestore that offers this functionality. Perhaps offer a onSnapshot.disconnect hook.
43 votes -
Expose "last updated" metadata
If Firebase cannot support some kind of changestream implementation, it should include metadata on each document that includes a "last updated" timestamp. Then clients can query against this field to only retrieve "new" changes (Inserts, Updates). It lacks support for delete capture but is the next best thing after a changestream.
18 votes -
Vector embedding search should include distance in results
The newly released capability is https://firebase.google.com/docs/firestore/vector-search is working very nicely! However, all similar products should return the distance metric in the query results (which the backend has no doubt already calculated) so that the client perform further analysis based on that distance
8 votes -
116 votes
Firestore collection group query on document id
Currently, you cannot use Fieldpath.document_id for collection group queries, which is rather shameful considering you can do that in Firebase UI.
Relevant StackOverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56188250/how-to-perform-collection-group-query-using-document-id-in-cloud-firestore
2 votes -
CMS for Firestore
A CMS for Firestore like Rowy.io & FireCMS
2 votes -
Allow use of the filter value on whereArrayContains within a firestore rule
I believe that by simply allowing access to the whereArrayContains filter value, it should be possible to solve for a use-case which can generally only be resolved using an SQL/relational database or cloud functions.
Take the following query;
getDocs( query( collection(db, "profiles"), where("groupProfileLinkIdReference", "array-contains", "groupProfileLinkId1"), limit(1), ), )
If we can access the value which in this case is "groupProfileLinkId1", it becomes possible to do the following;
match /profiles/{profileId} { allow list: if validateListProfileDbEntry(); } function validateListProfileDbEntry(){ let groupProfileLinkId = resource.data.groupProfileLinkIdReference[0]; let groupProfileLink = get(/databases/$(database)/documents/groupProfileLink/$(groupProfileLinkId)).data; return groupProfileLink.isApproved == true; }
The way the data is modelled is that every time…
1 vote -
Daily usage limitation chart
We were keep getting the Firestore Quota message tough the usage was just 2% in our billing.
After reaching out to the Firebase team, we found out that there are also daily limitations for each action (Read, Write,..) that was hidden in google cloud console.The suggestion is to make the daily limitation chart visible in Firebase, as this error is effecting the users directly.
2 votes -
assign server timestamp in epoch format
adding a function like FieldValue.serverTimestamp() that does the same thing but assigns time in epoch format rather than in normal date time format.
it may be a better choice in order to reduce the data transfer and document collection size.
1 vote -
Support UUID as a data type
I'm using Go client, and at this time UUIDs are represented as array of numbers. This doesn't make any sense and is quite clunky and unergonomic, but this is the client behaviour - the Go type
converts to that, and there is no way to affect it directly.This also means that a list of UUIDs is impossible to represent at all, since a Go slice converts into an array, and Firestore can't handle arrays in arrays. Btw, that by itself is ridiculous, but right now my problem is with UUIDs specifically.
A list of IDs is a trivial…
1 vote -
102 votes
Firestore return document when it gets updated
As we get the whole document when it is created, it would be nice to get it as well when it gets updated.
Online game where 4 people join together. In document, we have a list of players with their names. These names should be displayed for all players. Last user joins closing the session. To get the rest of the names after update the document with this last player, I need to do an extra read.Problem:
I am making an entra call for every player, affecting my quota limitation.Solution:
Return updated document.10 votes -
Ability to disable deleting collections and documents from firebase console
In Firebase's Firestore, a user with write access to a project can simply delete any document and even a whole collection with multiple documents with a single click. This is a major security problem as any of my team member may end up deleting a whole collection with millions of documents in under a minute, through the Firebase console.
I would like to request for a feature to disable this.
To be clear - The possibility to grant write access without delete access. Currently, if I am not mistaken, through the User and Permissions panel it's kind of "all or…
12 votes -
Similar to __name__, allow ordering documents by internal createdAt / updatedAt sentinel value
A document always maintain createdAt / updatedAt timestamp value internally. But these fields can't be used for ordering documents.
For example :-
(This is possible)
await citiesRef.orderBy('name').limit(3).get();
(This is NOT possible)
await citiesRef.orderBy('created_at').limit(3).get();
Currently if we need order by timestamp, we need to maintain a separate timestamp field alongside internal createdAt / updatedAt fields. Then create index over that additional field to perform order by timestamp.
Similar to name sentinel, firestore should provide created_at and updated_at sentinel for ordering document. These sentinel should work without any new index, ascending or descending order.
1 vote -
Search collections in Firestore by field values
Ability to search collections and documents in the Firestore UI.
84 votes -
15 votes
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