FCM Topics Management API

Satyam Gupta (imLolman) commented
Requested Features
1. Status of Topic Notification Sent
Description: Provide real-time status information about a notification, such as whether it is in the queue, being sent, or has been sent.
Use Case: This feature would enable better tracking and debugging for notifications that are currently in the system.2. Success/Failure Count of Notifications Sent
Description: After sending notifications on a particular topic, provide a count of how many were successfully sent and how many failed.
Use Case: Understanding the reach and effectiveness of notifications, and quickly identifying any potential issues in the distribution.3. List Number of Subscribers for a Specific Topic
Description: Add functionality to retrieve the number of current subscribers to a specific topic.
Use Case: This helps in understanding the reach and scope of the topic and could be useful for analytics.4. Automatic Removal of Unsubscribed Users from the Topic
Description: Implement a feature to automatically remove users who have unsubscribed from a topic.
Use Case: This will make managing topics much easier and more efficient, and will ensure that only interested users receive the notifications.5. Getting the Subscribers Tokens (endpoint, p256dh and authKey) Back
Description: Provide a way to export the subscription keys of all subscribers to a particular topic, either in a .tar.gz format or through pagination.
Use Case: This can be essential for backup, migration, or analytics purposes.