Separate/standalone Authentication admin library
Quite often I only need the firebase-admin/auth part of the NodeJS admin library. Especially when separating the application into single-purpose containers/microservices.
However because there is no separate NPM package for the auth part, I need to pull in the entire firebase-admin package, which pulls in a HUGE number of dependencies like @google-cloud/firestore @google-cloud/storage, google-gax, @grpc/grpc-js protobufjs and a multitude of others which are not needed for the auth part.
Much of the other components like Firestore, Storage etc can be used directly from the @google-cloud/... libraries without the entire firebase-admin package.
But there is no separate package for Authentication.
Authentication is almost always the simplest, single most necessary part of an application, whether the app/microservice is complex or simple. It would be great to have a separate NPM package for Authentication only (without all the other dependencies) because ofthen that is all I need in a simple application/container. Especially when separating the application into single-purpose containers/microservices.