A SQL based database
Currently Firebase supports JSON & NoSQL Datastore which is a cool thing, but what is currently a pain point is that for building more complex apps with a lot of linked data is such an hassle with NoSQL Databases.
This is one reason people are pivoting from Firebase for anything long term, if there is a way to host relational data like a SQL instance (Postgres/MySQL) it will make firebase an Ideal solution for apps of any scale.
I would also happy to share some of the case studies of business which are looking forward to this specific thing.
Fred Zhang commented
Yep, you can sign up for early access here: https://firebase.google.com/products/data-connect
View documentation here: https://firebase.google.com/docs/data-connect
Add feature requests here: https://firebase.uservoice.com/forums/948424-general?category_id=501596 -
Mark Goho commented
Firebase Data Connect was just announced at Google I/O. It is a "PostgreSQL database powered by Cloud SQL." cf. https://firebase.google.com/products/data-connect
Nils Reichardt commented
For me (after using Firebase for 6 years) this is the reason why I will not use Firebase for my next project (Supabase instead).
Chris Jacobs commented
We are having a growing pain fanning out lots of data and this would be a very interesting development to stop us needing to migrate away from firestore
Ishaan Karnik commented
I completely agree with Mr. Varun Raj.
Not all applications be ported easily in JSON / NoSQL Datastore.
Some applications are better suited for traditional SQL based database especially where their is a lot of linked data. This is especially true for complex Enterprise-grade applications.
We passed over Firebase several times duing development/up-gradation of our Enterprise-grade applications as Firebase didn't support SQL database.
After a point managing JSON & NoSQL Datastore becomes a nightmare and SQL based database are only way forward.