Provide command to add testers to Tester groups via CLI
Currently, the Firebase CLI command can add testers to a Firebase App distribution project. But adding testers to a tester group can be done only manually on the Firebase portal. This becomes tedious for teams who maintain multiple tester groups and a large number of testers. Adding feasibility to mention to which tester group, the tester should be added in the Firebase add tester CLI command will make this process easier.
Rohith Sriram commented
Hello Dan. Thank you for your response!. I went through the release notes of the latest Firebase CLI tool. I found this mentioned as a feature: "Added --group-alias option to appdistribution:testers:add and appdistribution:testers:remove". Are you referring to this? Because I did not find this in any other documentation.
Dan Chuparkoff commented
Hello! I'm Dan. I'm the PM Lead for App Distro. Thanks for your post. CLI management of Groups actually exists and is possible. However, you probably don't know that because I think we have an outstanding task to update our documentation to explain how it's done. I'll find out more.
Xiaobing Yang commented
we need it.
Xiaobing Yang commented
we need this, it is critical for us.
Arun Kumar Kuppuswamy commented
This is important feature , As it can avoid lot of manual work and increate productivity.