Manage minInstances setting of pinned functions of previous releases
Pinned functions of previous releases keep their minInstances setting. E.g. after deploying 10 times with a minInstances setting of 1, there will be 10 idling instances but only the newest revision handles all the traffic. Yet the remaining 9 instances' idle time is billed as well because the function is still addressable through the revision tag.
This also affects the maxInstances setting: With a maxInstances setting of 10, the newest Cloud Run revision which handles 100% of the traffic won't be able to scale anymore.
As far as I know, the only way to handle this right now is to manually delete the Cloud Run revisions or to manually remove the revision tag. Both methods unfortunately break the rollback functionality and are complicated (if even impossible?) to integrate into CD pipelines.
I would appreciate the possibility of automatically scaling down pinned v2 function revisions that don't handle any traffic to a minInstances setting of 0.