Make AngularFire an offcially supported library
The AngularFire library gets updated really slow so we miss out on some of the latest features. There are lots of issues that doesn't get solved and the documentation is very lacking. They are both Google products and make an awesome combination but if the library does not get enough support/resources we're forced to migrate to plain javascript firebase. Please make it an official library or something so more resources are assigned to AngularFire.
Rob Gant commented
Trying to build a modern Angular Firebase application is super confusing because of the lack of consistant documentation. I'm including both the Firebase documentation which frequently has outdated information and gets confusing to identify the parts that are web vs server side. The multiple layers of shims between Angular and Firebase (AngularFire, rxFire, the JS SDK lacking complete types) make it really confusing to know what is going on without having to dig through the implementations. Which are hard to find.
Mark Goho commented
It was just announced at Google I/O (by Mark Techson) that AngularFire was on the path to General Availability. I think we can say this issue is "planned".
Ruben Heymans commented
@Lars is that even possible?
Lars Rye Jeppesen commented
Maybe now with signals and zoneless, we should just move to use the official firebase sdk?
Laszlo Alt commented
yes please!
Christian Fenkart commented
please, make it an offcially supported library
Troy Thompson II commented
I'm holding out hope that angular + firebase will have a fully supported npm package. AngularFire has been my go-to for nearly a decade. Onward and upward!
Ruben Heymans commented
I can't post links but angularfire issue `Question about the future plans/maintenance of angularFire #3446` is related
Ruben Heymans commented
response from Firebase support:
Hi Ruben,
Thank you for sharing this feedback with us.
I truly understand the current dilemma right now for most developers regarding Firebase not officially supporting yet the AngularFire framework, and the possibility that their current plugins may not be fully aligned with our up-to-date version of our Firebase SDKs.
The current state of AngularFire right now being a third party framework is due to the fact that its libraries and resources are maintained by a third party developer group. Troubleshooting any issues or rolling out bug fixes related to AngularFire are being done by the developers there. Right now, this is the only official GitHub repository of the AngularFire development group that maintains this library. If you have any feedback or bug report directly on the AngularFire library, filing an issue in this tracker is the only way to go.
While we're not limiting the developers from using third party integrations like AngularFire, internal discussions toward our goal to officially support Firebase + Angular integration are still ongoing. I'd love to say more about this, but unfortunately, we don't have much information or timeline to share that would guarantee its release in the near future.
As an action item here, I'll be linking your ticket in our internal feature request discussion so that your feedback may serve as an upvote in hopes that we could get Firebase + Angular officially supported in the future. I truly appreciate your honest opinion on the way AngularFire stands right now and I want to let you know that your feedback here is something we truly value.
Let me know if there's anything else I can help you with.
Kyle -
Lander Beeuwsaert commented
Ahhh this would be great!
Rob Gant commented
Without AngularFire being up to date, I cannot update Angular. The long difficulties of getting AngularFire stable enough to update means I am often two versions behind in Angular.