Gemini Panel UI Improvements
The Gemini side panel has an awkward UI design which takes up way too much screen space. When I click to open it shouldn't stay open because then I have to click the X to close and click again to reopen which I find annoying. There should be an option button to allow for auto open when the mouse moves to the edge of window and auto close when the mouse exits the Gemini panel.
Also if you choose to dock to right there's so much wasted space with duplicate menu buttons. (Alerts, Chat, Help) appears on both the left and right side of the panel. Only one of them is necessary the other should be removed to allow for a wider panel.
Additionally anchoring the panel to top or bottom is essentially the same thing as maximize because it takes up 95% of the screen. Those options should resize the Gemini panel to be something like 25% of the screen instead.