Accept Firebase Terms of Service via Terraform
There is no possibility to accept Firebase Terms of Service automatically (or at least manually in advance, without the need to go through manual Firebase project creation process) when using Firebase via Terraform.
When trying to create a Firebase project using Terraform (add googlefirebaseproject resource), apparently unaccepted ToS cause 403 "Error creating Project".
After at least one Firebase project is created manually via Firebase Console, creation project via Terraform works.
It would be great to separate accepting ToS from project creation or at least improve error message in this case.
Here are some examples:
Thanks for the feedback and thinking about alternatives. Given our infrastructure guidance, ToS acceptance can only be done through the UI (manually - not programmatically) but I appreciated that a developer may want to accept the Terms without creating a project. We've got a couple thoughts on this including a web UI modal from the CLI - any thoughts on this given it still requires a manual step? Today, you actually can accept the Terms without completing the project creation by either 1)opening a project that has been shared to you or 2) going as far as the project spinner creation and then closing the browser or backing out of the project creation. I don't see either of those options as being much of a solution but your feedback on a CLI option would be helpful/interesting.