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  1. currently security rules can only check, "limit, orderby and offset" properties of "request.query" object. if they could check our own custom properties , for example, when users search a collection by id, and I only want them to see a list of documents which contain their id then i should be able to do this in the rules
    posts/{postId} {
    list: if == request.auth.uid
    - this would be really beautiful and makes it way easy to secure list request.

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  2. I am using this procedure for regular backups:
    and some tooling to locally analyze data in the resulting (downloaded) LevelDB backups.

    The Admin SDK exposes (internally, but still) createTime, readTime and updateTime properties on snapshots. I don’t see these properties included in the database exports; which makes them less complete as backups, and less useful for data analysis.

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  3. During a restore, there's no way to know how long it will take or where the progress is. It would be great to have some visibility into the process.

    I initiated a restore from a backup created by the automated schedules

    gcloud alpha firestore databases restore \
    --source-backup=projects/PROJECTID/locations/LOCATION/backups/BACKUPID \

    I have seen this take between 20 minutes to over a day.

    The documentation for this feature is here:

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  4. Swift has recently gained direct interoperability with C++.

    This would allow the current bridging layer written in Objective-C++ to be removed, which would in turn make it possible to use Firestore from Swift cross platform.

    The Browser Company have created patches for firebase-cpp-sdk to allow this:

    It could also decrease the maintenance burden by removing the bridging layer code.

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  5. Normally documentation about collections is done in a 3rd party tool like notion, jira, google docs (or notepad for the brave ones).

    After a while this easily becomes inconsistent due to ongoing changes throughout the project development. The same way as we document code directly in the code file, it'd be great to document collections directly in the firestore console.

    For this, something simple like a text input would suffice (ideally with some minimal markdown, but not mandatory). If developers need to add more detailed info or explanations (and make use of charts, designs, videos, whatever) they could simply add…

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  6. The newly released capability is is working very nicely! However, all similar products should return the distance metric in the query results (which the backend has no doubt already calculated) so that the client perform further analysis based on that distance

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  7. The default behavior when listening to a document/query is that you will always get an initial invoke of your listener.
    Allowing to change this behavior would give more freedom, in the case that the developer wishes to fetch the initial values asynchronously and then have the changes delivered via the callback.

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  8. I can see offline capabilities for mobile using Kotlin, Java, Swift and Objective-C. I am requesting offline support for React Native application.

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  9. Raise the maximum expression limit for firestore rules to make more complex doc schema validation possible.

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  10. Transactions allow passing an options object with maxRetries, but all retries are immediate. If there are many other functions writing the same document, transactions will fail after all retries (lock will time out). Maybe a better strategy would be to delay with exponential backoff like pub sub does.

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  11. I wanted to create my own GPT using OpenAI's new GPT builder which has "Functions" in it, and I wanted it to be able to use Firestore API to perform CRUD operations, but unfortunately I struggled to find documentation on how to do that.

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  12. It'd be really nice if you could allow users to create local drafts, of small documents, for instance, and save them locally for free with Firestore.

    This way you wouldn't have to coordinate Firestore and its rules with some other database and client code nor would you have to choose the simpler option of getting charged for writes and reads on remote database documents that really only one user is supposed to write and read.

    Please note that while you could use the realtime database to save drafts, 1 it's not always easy to figure out whether that'd actually be…

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  13. There should be an easy way to get a specific document by index in a query:

    // this query should work as it's read, if i wanted to use gte i'd use a where

    query(this.collection, orderBy('anything', 'asc'), startAt(index), limit(1))

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  14. When retrieving documents from Firebase's Firestore on the web, if you attempt to read the value from the cache, it will return an empty result.

    This seems to be an issue because Firestore's database does not use offline data when accessed from the web by default.

    To make developers aware of this, should throw some error if Firestore's database is set to not use offline data, and attempting to read the cache value.

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  15. The UX when reading large objects in the firestore explorer UI requires too much scrolling in small windows to find the information you are after. I'd propose to:

    Note: "window" here refers to where the container where the data of a document can be found or alternatively where all the collection can be found. So the firestore explorer contains usually, a collection window, a document window, (a sub collections window, a document window,...).

    • collapse maps by default, or collapse maps if the object is larger than the current window. When dealing with large objects it's currently annoying to find the…
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  16. Duplicate document in collection in Firestore

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  17. As we get the whole document when it is created, it would be nice to get it as well when it gets updated.

    Online game where 4 people join together. In document, we have a list of players with their names. These names should be displayed for all players. Last user joins closing the session. To get the rest of the names after update the document with this last player, I need to do an extra read.

    I am making an entra call for every player, affecting my quota limitation.

    Return updated document.

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  18. Will allow further security validation and early detection of security checks failures.

    To give an example of why this is important,
    I use a Firebase Collection as an API alternative, I create a task record that triggers a cloud function, it allows me to manage my resources effectively and provide partial updates, way more flexible than traditional REST, however with API I use bearer tokens to verify that the identity of the person creating the record and deciding if they are allowed or 401, without UID in record metadata I have to send the plain UID as a field in…

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  19. Make Firestore and Firebase hosting available on the new Johannesburg Cloud Region; this will greatly assist developers in launching apps within the continent and also assist with local data protection regulations.

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  20. In Firebase's Firestore, a user with write access to a project can simply delete any document and even a whole collection with multiple documents with a single click. This is a major security problem as any of my team member may end up deleting a whole collection with millions of documents in under a minute, through the Firebase console.

    I would like to request for a feature to disable this.

    To be clear - The possibility to grant write access without delete access. Currently, if I am not mistaken, through the User and Permissions panel it's kind of "all or…

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