21 results found
Allow connecting the web client to HTTPS-hosted emulators (for Web Push testing & more)
Allow connecting the web client to HTTPS-hosted emulators (for Web Push testing & more)
Browsers nowadays require HTTPS-hosted sites to use some privileged features, like Web Push. HTTPS-hosted sites also typically can not request HTTP content from APIs ("protocol downgrade" errors).
Most Firebase Emulators are not built to work with HTTPS, which puts up a big obstacle to test HTTPS-enabled features on external devices (e.g. test locally-hosted Web Push server code on an external Android phone).
Server-side: Firebase emulators don't offer ways to be served over HTTPS, but tools like ngrok or a local HTTPS proxy offer simple workarounds for…
38 votes -
Firestore indexes in emulator
Currently, the Firestore emulator allows all queries without checking if the query requires an index. It would be great if the emulator checks the Firestore indexes file if the index exists.
123 votes -
Ability to provide a json file of test users
Currently the auth emulator lets you randomly generate a user which is great. But I would really like the ability to provide it with a chunk of test users where I can fill out their email addresses, and names so it will randomly select one of those or sequentially. This is because I often need to test with sending emails to these users and I need to provide real email addresses for that to work so I currently have to manually recreate all the test users each time the db is wiped in dev. Super annoying.
2 votes -
Emulator: Firestore requests with descending order + clear button
The Firestore requests page in the emulator currently sorts the requests by ascending execution time, which requires to scroll to the very bottom every time to see the last request. Very cumbersome.
The emulator should order by default by descending order and also offer a "clear" button to empty the list upon request.
3 votes -
Support MFA and future AuthN
Currently when using the emulator you can't use MFA as it throws an error and the only way to test this functionality is to switch over to using the real version. This is cumbersome and makes it difficult to test your auth workflow. Also your adding Authn as well and I hope that is support by the Auth Emulator as well.
1 vote -
useEmulator should return False if emulator is not running
I am currently using firebase/firestore from react native. Currently
import { firebase } from "@react-native-firebase/firestore";
const rc = firebase.firestore().useEmulator("", 8080);
Ideally I would like rc=False if the emulator is not up.
3 votes -
Firebase messaging SDK with proper error response message in emulator
I encountered an issue while attempting to emulate the sending of push notifications with a Firestore Cloud Function. Despite having valid tokens set up, I received an error response. The error messages I received after attempting to send two push notifications individually were as follows:
"Error: Requested entity was not found."
"Error: The registration token is not a valid FCM registration token."Ideally, I would expect to receive a 200 or 403 response along with a message indicating that the message was sent successfully, but that this is only an emulation environment. Upon deploying the latest version of my script…
3 votes -
Manual reloading of firebase functions in emulator
I'm suggesting this feature of nodemon:
Sometimes when inner dependencies changes, firebase emulator don't detect changes. So whenever I make a change in my large project, I have to always shutdown firebase emulator and restart it.
3 votes -
Easy Import / Export from Firebase Emulators UI
Emulators are meant for rapid testing.
There should be a tool that enables easy fine/grain control for importing and exporting data from the Firebase UI for Firestore, Storage, and Auth from the user interface.
Trying to manually modify data in the interface is fairly awful.
It would be nice to be able to mix and match different pre-made documents or collections to set up different types of environments.
The command line import/export is ok, but still fairly tedious and limiting in its setup.
8 votes -
Support named database data retention with import and export-on-exit flags
Now that we can create named databases and see those databases in the firestore emulator, it would be nice if the import and export-on-exit flags also respected these named databases and imported the data previously exported into the correct database.
2 votes -
Support Firestore emulator in Datastore mode
It is now possible to run the Firestore emulator in Datastore mode, however, it must be run through the gcloud cli.
It would be great if the firebase cli supported using datastore mode in the firebase.json configuration and if the firestore emulator UI supported datastore mode
1 vote -
Estimate costs
It should be possible to estimate Firebase costs using the emulator.
Example workflow for comparing Firestore data structures in terms of costs:
- setup test for each data structure
- signal start of costs recording
- run test for first data structure againt the Firestore emulator
- signal stop of costs recording
- run again for second data structure4 votes -
14 votes
Firebase Emulator: Allow us to enter uid when adding Authenticator user
This is already possible via the API, so why not via the emulator UI?
3 votes -
Phone number for testing in firebase emulator
It would be great to be able to configure static MFA validation codes / phone numbers for testing in the emulator, like in the normal firebase auth product.
This would make testing an application with automated tests a lot easier.
3 votes -
More Firebase emulator testing/building company owned device usage.
I think for the development of Emulators, the software development, learning, teaching and implementation, there needs to be more readily available devices that developers and testers can utilize for developmental learning. As a conservative company of development, we urge our team to try to learn as much about the latest devices, firmware and OS's they can. That being said, there's only so many hours in a day for them to do so, so I suggest we have more options to "borrow" a company device, to utilize having the physical device whilst testing/building Emulators and therin. Thank you
2 votes -
Add error stack trace to the testing emulator
There is no error stack trace with the emulator for cloud functions. Which makes it very hard to deploy since you will encounter many errors. It's a real pain.
2 votes -
Configure logs save location
Configure where the log files for the emulator are saved, instead of poluting the root of the project
1 vote -
Phone number for testing in firebase emulator
It would be great to be able to configure static MFA validation codes / phone numbers for testing in the emulator, like in the normal firebase auth product.
This would make testing an application with automated tests a lot easier.
1 vote -
Add support to register local Cloud Run instances to event arc triggers in local emulators
Cloud Run makes it possible to write functions that are not currently possible to do with Cloud Functions (e.g. when using software not included in Cloud Function system images). It also possible to register Cloud Run instances to direct eventarc events. Cloud Run instances can be run in local device as a docker instance.
Currently it is not possible to register locally running Cloud Run instance to triggers from local firebase emulator and there fore local development and testing is not possible for apps relying custom Cloud Run functions.
2 votes
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