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  1. Cloud functions do provide process. env.FIREBASE_CONFIG.

    One can set it in the yaml, but it would be nice if app hosting would provide these automatically.

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  2. Support submodules for automated builds.

    Currently, builds fail when checking out submodules.

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  3. Issues:

    1. In the app hosting wizard: Connecting a GitHub account that is not the owner of the GitHub repository and then removing it breaks the GitHub integration process and the App Hosting set up process.
    2. Being just a collaborator to a GitHub repo doesn't make it visible in the App Hosting Set Up wizard, you have to connect with the GitHub account of the owner of the repo.

    Error messages:

    1. Connection verification failed: unable to verify the authorization token: GET 401 Bad credentials []: failed precondition.
    2. Error: Request to had HTTP Error: 400, Failed to list GitHub installations

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  4. /__/auth/handler

    Identical to hosting but for app hosting.

    Would definitely make things simpler for Next.js apps.

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  5. Currently, we can create backends, but there is no option to modify imported GitHub repositories. If making such modifications isn't possible, it would be beneficial to at least have the option to delete the backend.

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  6. Using Next/Image on Firebase App Hosting makes images load slowly. Are Next's built-in image optimizations working with Firebase App Hosting? When a second container starts, does the new container need to optimize every image again, or do containers share image files somehow? When a container shuts down, are those optimized images lost, or are they stored in persistent file storage?

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  7. It would be great to have the ability to redirect multiple domains to the same project.

    I tried to achieve this with regular expression redirect, but it doesn't work:

            "regex": "https:\\/\\/.*?(?P<hostname>\\w+\\.[a-z]+)\\/",
            "destination": "/:hostname/index.html"

    For example with domains and, I want to be able to redirect them to the same project but different subfolders (e.g. /, / -- this will allow to share common resources (styles, images, etc) between the projects, while still being able to customize the content for each one.

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  8. please support me

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  9. I'd like to use Firebase for app/web hosting, but it appears that that Firebase only really supports java apps. For my Shiny or Streamlit apps, I can't even use Firebase user authentication for web hosting, and instead I have to set up a load balance and IAP. I have been using the Cloud Run Custom Domain mapping integration for Cloud Run services, until I hit the "dead end" of a max 15 SSL certificates for a single GCP project (certificate setup cannot be changed in the GCP Cloud run web UI). I was hoping that Firebase would be a good…

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  10. Menarik

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  11. no se registro mi dominio y no se por que o que esta mal

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  12. Would it possible to implement skipping build/deployment based on commit message? I know for Cloud Build you can include [skip ci] or [ci skip] in the commit message and a build won't trigger, but based off a quick test this doesn't apply to AppHosting builds.


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  13. Enhanced security features such as Cloud Armor or WAF is almost a must-have nowadays also the level of protection is unclear.

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  14. It can be necessary to run a script before the build command.


    • With angular: A script to create the environment.ts files need to be run before the ng build.
    • With Prisma: A script to generate the prisma files should be run before the build the build itself.


    As for, get in the settings Build Command options and Start Command

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  15. As a developer, I want to be able to deploy my Next.js web app hosted using App Hosting to a Preview "channel", similar to firebase hosting:channel:deploy in hosting.

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  16. At this point the build fails because of the error:

    Output directory is not of expected structure

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  17. Django is a very popular framework. It is likely the easiest one to get up and running with, also allowing reusing the code much better than other solutions. No need to say how big Python is and Django (and even Flask) will only become bigger and bigger. Firebase app hosting must support Django. Not tomorrow, now!

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  18. We (and I'm sure many others) have large data repositories in GitLab using its CI system, and for technical and political reasons, we do not plan to migrate to any other code repository.

    Firebase App Hosting seems to be tightly integrated with GitHub only. Extending its support to GitLab (or other Git repositories) would greatly help with adoption, even if it requires manual CI configuration.

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  19. It seem to be already available (scr:, can you update the documentation so we have DNS exemple for that.

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  20. Add Remix ( as one of the supported frameworks to deploy apps. It is rather similar to Next.js in many ways so that should be possible.

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