Delete Firebase project without deleting GCP project
Currently you can enable Firebase for an existing GCP project, but cannot disable it. So it will stick around in the Firebase Console until you delete the GCP project. This is confusing and can lead to errors like accidentally deleting the GCP project or changing other configuration through the Firebase Console UI that is managed outside Firebase, for example through Terraform unintentionally.
Thanks Henning for your feedback. Yes, deleting a Firebase project will always delete the underlying GCP project given the Firebase project is a GCP project. If I understand the challenge you have correctly, you'd like to be able to disable Firebase for specific GCP projects to clear up your Firebase project list. We've heard from a few folks with numerous Firebase projects that there is a need for better ability to organize projects for easier access to specific projects faster. We've tossed around a few ideas here but haven't landed a concrete roadmap to do something, but I'm wondering if a project organization feature might also solve your use case?