Add GraphQL enum support
Add support for the GraphQL enum type in @table types.
Danny Ferrin commented
This is superb declarative way to have colum enum value validationn
Davide Biagini commented
How do you suggest one should do without it?
Jeremy Heyer commented
Creating lots of Boolean states to work around this and it will likely complicate the ui.
Moving from a graphQL first approach and losing this seems counterintuitive.
Mathias Ovieve commented
Enums are pretty important for type safety, but I guess they have to be handled with care. Removing a value from an enum could easily break older app versions.
Priyatham Anisetty commented
Yes adding enum support will help us get rid of unnecessary tables to maintain enums. And this helps take advantage of postgress table automatic value validation
Klux commented
Enums are currently in a really weird state in Data Connect.
They are mentioned in the Documentation, but without any examples.
Any attempt to use them fails.
In my opinion, enums are just an extension to data connect being type safe, by limiting the possible values for columns.
As GraphQL and PostgreSQL (and client sdks platforms) already support some sort of enums, it shouldn't be a huge issue? -
정소이 commented
veryvery extreamly important