App Distribution should have at least basic management of email notifications
There is no option to set email preferences for tester groups in Firebase App Distribution. It is unnecessary to pester everyone with emails when they can find the last app version in App Tester.
Stéphanie NEMBRINI commented
I don't want to receive notifications when a new version is available
Geoffroy LeblancPro commented
It is absolutely necessary to have the option send/not send a notification email to user.
Florian ALEXANDRE commented
Totally agree
Yuan-Jen Lee commented
Totally agree, my organization maintains 6x apps on the firebase, it become a nightmare seeing hundreds of emails about new apps and actually block users to start using firebase app.
People will open these invitation emails from their computer and get stuck.
I typically just inform our testers to just open Test App links directly and sign in with our workspace account, then they can accept pending invitations or select any available app and download the latest instead of relying on individual emails and get lost!
Mahdi “مهدی رحمانی” Rahmani commented
Mahdi “مهدی رحمانی” Rahmani commented
Please. Is there anyone. To start and set up the business, warehousing, office, and how to market and most importantly advertising and marketing with masters. I would like to help me, website, social network, any advertising way