Show direct download link for releases as QR code to scan using phone
Hello team,
As AppCenter is deprecated and we're currently moving to Firebase App Distribution as our primary internal app testing platform we'd like to request a new but very valuable feature. This feature should be minor and quick to implement but would make our lives a lot simpler.
We use Fastlane and the firebaseappdistribution plugin for deploying our builds during CI builds. This plugin generates three links to download a specific release. The first generated link is to view the release in the Firebase Console and it's the one we're currently giving our QA testers and POs so they know what version and version code to download using their phone. It's quite tedious though to look it up in their phones and verify it's the correct release as they do not use their email inbox and email you send out when new releases are deployed. They look at the JIRA for a certain feature/task and navigate to the Firebase Console using the link our CI build comments into the JIRA task.
We'd appreciate if you could you add an option next to the Download button in the console to view the direct download link for a certain release (the one which doesn't expire after 1h) as a QR code so they can use their phone cameras to scan their laptop screen and open the link easily that way in their browser.
Best regards