46 results found
Velocity alerts for overall crash rate
Allow configuration of velocity alerts for overall crash rate rather than individually spiking crashes.
4 votes -
Broaden Crashlytics velocity error range to allow larger percentages than 1%
We would like to broaden the Crashlytics velocity error percentage so that we can trigger velocity alerts at larger percentages than 1%. 3% would be ideal for our purposes.
3 votes -
[Crashlytics] support all flutter supported platforms
support all flutter supported platforms
4 votes -
Add Crashlytics Issue Notes to the Crashlytics Schema [1] for BigQuery Export [2]
[1] https://firebase.google.com/docs/crashlytics/bigquery-export#schema-columns
[2] https://firebase.google.com/docs/crashlytics/bigquery-export2 votes -
Stability score
Currently firebase crashlytics shows crash free users and crash free sessions, although ANRs are also equally important. ANRs create a bad user experience which is comparable to a crash.
By showing a stability score which considers ANRs as well as crashes, we can show a true representation of app health. This can be at the session level.
1 vote -
Crashlytics Velocity alerts should contain impacted user count
We would like to have Crashlytics Velocity alerts contain the impacted user count so we can determine how problematic a velocity alert actually is.
2 votes -
Pull Firebase Crashlytics Custom Key values into the slack integration
It would be very helpful if custom key information could be pulled out of Crashlytics into e.g., the Slack integration.
2 votes -
What feature would you like to see?
I would like to see FlutterFire plugins add support for the Linux platform. This enhancement would allow developers to build applications that leverage Firebase services on Linux, enabling cross-platform compatibility and expanding Flutter's reach.Why would it be useful?
Adding Linux support would:Enable developers to target a wider range of platforms with their Flutter apps.
Provide parity with other supported platforms (e.g., iOS, Android, Web).
Leverage Firebase's capabilities (e.g., authentication, cloud storage, and Firestore) in desktop environments where Linux is widely used.1 vote -
Export event state to BigQuery
Currently the events exported from Firebase to BigQuery don't have the issue state, which requires additional work to check the issue state without the information on when the state was updated.
The proposal is that real-time exporting can consider the issue state at the time of receiving the event.
- Issue ID 1 currently has an open state
- Issue ID 1 receives event ID A at 10:30am
- Issue ID 1 is set to a closed state at 10:31am
- Issue ID 1 receives event ID B at 10:32am
- BigQuery has event ID A set as open…7 votes -
Allow custom Slack webhook URLs when integrating with Crashlytics
When filling out the form to add a Slack webhook URL for a Crashlytics project the form only allows URLs that begin with https://hooks.slack.com/..., however, some companies have their own proxy URLs to manage the Slack webhooks for their enterprise Slack instance (e.g. https://hooks.mycompanydomain.com/...).
Feature request
Please relax the client-side only form validation to allow other hostnames besides "hooks.slack.com".
10 votes -
Export CFU(Crash Free Users) Stats to BigQuery
The CFU is only available in Crashlytics dashboard.
With the current info exported to BigQuery it's not possible to calculate it.
3 votes -
Integration with Google Chat
Would be great to have the option to integrate crashlytics alerts with google chat
8 votes -
Crashlytics Section should have User perceived ANR Filter
There are lot of ANR like https://github.com/firebase/firebase-android-sdk/issues/6147#issuecomment-2417385067
Which has no solution even Firebase team concluded that.
So, there should be a filter to segregate user perceived ANRs on crashlytics.1 vote -
Allow Trending Stability Notifications via the Slack integration
I would like the option to be able to receive trending stability notifications via the slack integration
18 votes -
nativePollOnce should be excluded from ANR in Firebase
1 vote -
50 votes
43 votes
Crashlytics support for react JS based application.
Crashlytics support for react JS based application.
1 vote -
Dart SDK for Crashlytics
I use Dart on the server, via Serverpod. I would love to be able to record server exceptions to Crashlytics, but right now the Dart support for Crashlytics only works in Flutter, because it relies on the Android and iOS native API support. Dart servers don't/can't run Flutter. There is no REST API for Crashlytics, so the Flutterfire developers can't support pure Dart (I asked them). Can you please add a pure Dart API for Crashlytics, and/or provide a REST endpoint?
1 vote -
Crashlytics custom alerts
Crashlytics velocity alerting mechanism is very basic and it unfortunately generates a lot of false positive alerts. Support more advanced alarm settings
28 votes
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