52 results found
Automatic Deployment of Changed Firebase Functions
Firebase should offer a built-in feature to automatically detect changes to Cloud Functions and deploy only those functions, grouped into manageable batches to avoid rate limits. This feature would streamline deployments by:
- Scanning the project directory to identify functions with modified code since the last deployment.
- Automatically batching the deployment of changed functions based on rate limit thresholds (e.g., 8-10 functions per batch).
- Handling the deployment process transparently within the Firebase CLI or CI/CD integrations, reducing manual intervention.
This functionality would save time, minimize deployment errors, and improve developer workflows, particularly in large projects with numerous functions.
23 votes -
Support Dart in Cloud Functions
Dart is not currently supported in Cloud Functions, so developers need to use more than one language in their code base. Here are some pain points they shared with the Firebase product team about this gap:
- They need to learn another language, and many of them do not have the same expertise in JavaScript as they do in Dart.
- The lack of features and tools, such as Hot Reload and Hot Restart, impacts development speed.
- Developers cannot share business logic and data models across the entire stack.
- Developers cannot use frequently used Dart packages on the…807 votes -
Support Swift in Cloud Functions
Swift is a much beloved and popular language for writing apps on the Apple platforms, but increasingly, it is also being used server side and even for writing cross platform business logic on Android and on Windows.
Being able to share models and business logic between your clients and server would be an amazing productivity boost. And being able to develop in a language that focuses on safety would eliminate categories of issues that can exist if you develop in say Javascript or Typescript.
321 votes -
Auth onUpdate trigger for v1 and v2 functions
In the same way, we have onCreate and onDelete, it will be very helpful to have an onUpdate option. For example, so we can react to an email address change.
43 votes -
Add Support for Aggregation Functions and Regex Filtering in Firebase Realtime Database
Firebase Realtime Database currently lacks support for aggregation functions (like sum, count, average) and regex-based data filtering. These features would simplify querying, reduce client-side processing, and improve performance, especially with large datasets. While Firestore offers some of these capabilities, Realtime Database remains the preferred choice for real-time syncing. Native support for these functionalities would greatly enhance its potential and usability.
4 votes -
Support .NET (C#) in Firebase Functions.
Firebase has .NET SDKs for the client and admin SDKS. It would be nice if Firebase Functions supported .NET (C#) especially since GCP Cloud Run Functions already support .NET.
2 votes -
Add support for local npm packages
Change the behavior of dpeloy for functions so that if a local (file based) npm package is listed in the package dependencies, the package will be uploaded with the function.
It is a major pain for local packages to not be supported in uploading cloud functions.
2 votes -
new Firebase Authentication trigger
firebase currently has two firebase auth triggers:
functions.auth.user().onDelete()I would like a trigger to respond to onLinkWithCredential so that I can update the user document in the user collection with the additional/changes from the new auth method
11 votes -
Fix Body Parse
If bad JSON is sent to a cloud function, for example if the function is an API endpoint, the body-parse in Firebase Functions will throw an HTML response error before and user function code is run.
This is a really bad experience for endpoint users where instead of a formatted JSON error message, they get a strange HTML response.
The body-parser used in by Firebase Functions should pass along the error instead of returning the response.
2 votes -
Cloud Functions versioning
It will be great to have an easy way to deploy different versions of our API and access them by adding a "v1" or "v2" to the URL.
Currently, we can do it manually by changing the name of the function, but the ideal is to have a new parameter in the deployment process (CLI) to "group" them in versions.
This idea is great to roll out and have different versions living side by side until the production version that uses the new API is released to all the users.3 votes -
Allow secrets on scheduled functions
It's not clear in the documentation nor by implementation that secrets work with scheduled cloud functions. This seems to me like a major missing feature in security and consistency with the v2 cloud functions. Is the only solution using the cloud config for api keys/secrets?
We need to have something like:
exports.someScheduledFunction = onSchedule(
schedule: "every 60 minutes",
timeoutSeconds: 100,
secrets: [someToken.name],
async () => {
logInfo("Running every 60 min");...
);1 vote -
Enable source map support
Since Node 12 it has built-in source map support. For cloud run deployments we can start the node server with the flag --enable-source-maps, but for cloud functions we don't have this control.
I don't understand why we still need to install and register the source-map-support NPM package in our code to get source maps to work.
I suggest to have a configuration option that enables the flag, preventing us from having to manually install a package that is considered obsolete for newer versions of Node.
1 vote -
Make Firebase Functions Test a First Grade citizen
A solid Firebase Functions experience requires a fully functional test suite.
Firebase-functions-test is already there, and provides the experience, but is often forgotten for months.Firebase functions 6 was released a month ago, and it broke functions-test.
There's currently a patch that fixes it, and it's been there for a week.
This idea isn't about this issue. It's about giving resources to the firebase-functions-text project, so it can continue growing and thus giving cloud firebase functions users a solid testing experience before deploying.
2 votes -
allow secrets on scheduled functions
It's not clear in the documentation nor by implementation that secrets work with scheduled cloud functions. This seems to me like a major missing feature in security and consistency with the v2 cloud functions. Is the only solution using the cloud config for api keys/secrets? Something like:
exports.someScheduledFunction = onSchedule(
schedule: "every 60 minutes",
timeoutSeconds: 100,
secrets: [someToken.name],
async () => {
logInfo("Running every 60 min");...
);1 vote -
Automatic Deployment of Changed Firebase Functions
Firebase should offer a built-in feature to automatically detect changes to Cloud Functions and deploy only those functions, grouped into manageable batches to avoid rate limits. This feature would streamline deployments by:
- Scanning the project directory to identify functions with modified code since the last deployment.
- Automatically batching the deployment of changed functions based on rate limit thresholds (e.g., 8-10 functions per batch).
- Handling the deployment process transparently within the Firebase CLI or CI/CD integrations, reducing manual intervention.
This functionality would save time, minimize deployment errors, and improve developer workflows, particularly in large projects with numerous functions.
1 vote -
Create a context.auth (1st Gen) equivalent for 2nd Gen cloud function
1st gen cloud functions can access auth info via context.auth as described here: https://firebase.google.com/docs/database/extend-with-functions?gen=1st#accessing_user_authentication_information
But 2nd gen cloud functions is yet to have the same function.
36 votes -
Rolex Enterprises
Chair service
1 vote -
57 votes
not upgrading blaze plan
firebase is not updateing to blaze plan i already have an verified billing account you should have to give more information about how to setup properly
2 votes -
Increase request size over 32Mb
Right now, a Firebase function can only accept a request payload size up to 32Mb.
Using it as webhook for some external APIs, we would need to have no limits or at least 100Mb limit3 votes
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