Desktop (Windows, Linux, MacOs) support for Flutter apps that use Firebase in production apps
Flutter developers should be able to run their apps on desktop platforms, including Windows and Linux, when using Firebase services. For example, Flutter developers should be able to 1) apply Analytics to data from desktop platforms, 2)
use Remote Config to customize their apps for desktop users, 3) use other Firebase services that are relevant to desktop apps, etc.
This would make it easier for Flutter developers to build and deploy production-ready apps for desktop platforms.
Tim Co commented
Id like to add for App Distribution - we're unable to ship Mac/Windows apps in dmg or exe format.
As an incremental improvement for app distribution would be to allow those binaries be uploaded via REST rather than only IPA/APKs.
Kelvin oritsetimeyin commented
Y'all are horrible at open source
Fernando commented
5 years latter and nothing
They dont care and you should move on -
Daniel Pearson commented
Windows support is critical
Godly Titan commented
Godwin Mathias commented
I've been using Firebase for a while now for shipping on Mobile devices, now wanted to transfer my experiences to desktop platforms but the support is just limited.
Considering looking at other platforms but hoping the team Firebase Flutter will look at this issues soon
Vincenzo Perrone commented
I need Firebase Messaging support on windows flutter app!
Oussama Maatallah commented
what's the status here?
Kirk Cameron commented
Kinda baffling really, I'm now actively looking for alternatives to learn and implement after already successfully implementing Firebase in a web/mobile app.
Luca Gonzalez commented
Having Linux support would really help
Ahmed Bashir commented
windows where the things needs to be come first as for the windows major users count
Saurabh Singh commented
Even linux and MACOS can use this feature but not windows where the things needs to be come first as for the windows major users count
Dave Ryder commented
I am developing a cross-platform applicatiuon ios/Android/MacOS/Windows. Now Flutter has stable support for Desktop platforms, Firebase Windows support is the only missing piece.
Hyunwoo Kim commented
For anyone visiting here please support this as well
Khayyam Ahmed commented
Working with emulators creates a heavy strain on my system. But building apps for linux or windows doesn't affect my devices memory.
Douglas Costa (Doug) commented
I'm the founder of a startup and we use Flutter together with Firebase to deliver an experience for mobile and web. We would really like to expand to Windows, but Firebase is a big impediment.
Obiora Obi commented
This is very important
جمال الجبوري commented
We need to quickly support Firebase for desktop through Dart Flutter
Bryon Abbott commented
I ran into this when I first used Firebase_Auth and was suprised that it didn't work on Windows / Linux. I test my apps on Liniux for resizing and developing cross platform application and having it work the same on all platforms (like most other features) should be a base requirement for a cross platform solution.
Tyrell Cooney commented
It really takes away value from Flutter having to source or implement separate libraries for desktop each time, rather than using Firebase in a uniform way across the codebase