741 results found
Auth onUpdate trigger for v1 and v2 functions
In the same way, we have onCreate and onDelete, it will be very helpful to have an onUpdate option. For example, so we can react to an email address change.
40 votes -
Add custom permissions claims to access tokens via Firebase web interface
Firebase currently only allows you to add custom claims to ID tokens, and it suggests adding role based access control (RBAC) permissions in those ID token claims.
RBAC custom claims should be added to the access token which is already included in the Authorization header in all API requests, so the API already has access to the token that it needs. Additionally including an ID token in API requests so that the API can read permissions from it is overly complicated and superfluous.
Furthermore, you should be able to add these claims to access tokens for specific users via the…
2 votes -
Need support for linked list
We need to be able to insert a new document, update an existing document or delete a document in an ordered list of about 1000 documents. We are doing this using a linked list. Firebase does not offer linked list functionality.
0 votes -
Add Creator User UID to the Collection Record Metadata
Will allow further security validation and early detection of security checks failures.
To give an example of why this is important,
I use a Firebase Collection as an API alternative, I create a task record that triggers a cloud function, it allows me to manage my resources effectively and provide partial updates, way more flexible than traditional REST, however with API I use bearer tokens to verify that the identity of the person creating the record and deciding if they are allowed or 401, without UID in record metadata I have to send the plain UID as a field in…2 votes -
Firestore hosting in South Africa
Make Firestore and Firebase hosting available on the new Johannesburg Cloud Region; this will greatly assist developers in launching apps within the continent and also assist with local data protection regulations.
2 votes -
Support adaptive app icons
Android 8.0 (API level 26) introduced adaptive app icons, which are made out of background and foreground layer. Apps that have minSDK = 26 don't have to specify "flat" PNG icons. However, App Distribution doesn't support adaptive app icons, and as a result weird icon with cropped app name is displayed in the App Tester app. App Distribution should support adaptive app icons by parsing icon XML, obtaining foreground and background assets, and based on this render the icon.
5 votes -
View "Billing Plans" on "All Firebase Projects" page
I want "Billing Plans" to be displayed on the "All Firebase Projects" page.
There is a limit to the number of projects that can be set in "Billing Plans".
If I reach the limit, I will need to downgrade one of my projects to "Spark Plan".
I would like to display "Billing Plans" on the "All Firebase Projects" page because I don't know which project has set "Blaze Plan".2 votes -
Add support for deleting directories and their contents in Firebase Storage
Iterating over list of files and deleting each is wasteful as a call has to be made using the API for each file, and this can get expensive if a lot of delete operations are involved.
I suggest a single API call that deletes all data given the required parameters. Further, the response from Firebase API will be that it has received the instruction to delete, and not when it has completed deleting as the operation might take quite a while.
A function could look like this.
url: 'path',
responsetype: 'requestreceived', // Another could be 'deletecomplete'…3 votes -
Multifactor admin SDK: "Other Admin SDK languages are not currently supported."
The page "Manage Multi-factor Users" (https://firebase.google.com/docs/auth/admin/manage-mfa-users) says "Install the Node.js Admin SDK. Other Admin SDK languages are not currently supported."
It's odd that this random feature doesn't work in other languages. Please add them (mainly C#).
3 votes -
Checking app
1 vote -
Install extensions on certain project/environment only
I'd like to have an option to install an extension for certain project in my code base.
For example, I want to use algolia search extension on a collection that will only only exists in dev project, but I ended up deploying this extension in prod as well.
I can't seem to find a way not to deploy extensions that are meant to be in dev only to prod.
1 vote -
DynamicLink Analytics Data don't have number of app install
DynamicLink Analytics Data don't have number of app install,
but another data such as number of click, number of execution exists,
I don't know why i cannot watch number of app install
2 votes -
API Revoke Token
Simple API to revoke the token/refresh token from a backend without using the SDK.
19 votes -
In Analytics Conversions Why can’t I find the unity ads network in the advertising network settings?
In Analytics Conversions
Why can’t I find the unity ads network in the advertising network settings?1 vote -
Ability to disable deleting collections and documents from firebase console
In Firebase's Firestore, a user with write access to a project can simply delete any document and even a whole collection with multiple documents with a single click. This is a major security problem as any of my team member may end up deleting a whole collection with millions of documents in under a minute, through the Firebase console.
I would like to request for a feature to disable this.
To be clear - The possibility to grant write access without delete access. Currently, if I am not mistaken, through the User and Permissions panel it's kind of "all or…
12 votes -
Integration with Google Chat
Would be great to have the option to integrate crashlytics alerts with google chat
8 votes -
Does Native Support for Authentication for EHR Providers like Epic and Cerner
Authentication is a difficult part of getting healthcare apps out there, and rightfully so, patient data security is hugely important. If Firebase offered this natively, not only would development be faster, but fewer mistakes/vulnerabilities would be present in healthcare apps that integrate with EHR.
1 vote -
Functions is behind paywall, (it is still free for some limit in Blaze plan), but IF i upgrade to Blaze, then Cloud Storage, Hosting etc starts to charge right away, even in free plan they have free limits but once switched to Blaze it starts to charge. So to get free Functions, i have to pay cloud storage and hosting and more.
For any playground project that is not gonna hit market or earn money, how i am supposed to try/learn functions? This forces me to move away from platform
4 votes -
2 votes
Add the option to sign out on mobile
Just a UI issue on the website. I have multiple accounts on my phone and firebase automatically signs into what ever account that my mobile chrome is on. There is no option to sign out but my firebase is managed with a different amount. I switched the account on chrome but it's still logged into the other account. A simple sign out option would make life a lot easier when auto sign ins don't work.
1 vote
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