50 results found
Support Dart in Cloud Functions
Dart is not currently supported in Cloud Functions, so developers need to use more than one language in their code base. Here are some pain points they shared with the Firebase product team about this gap:
- They need to learn another language, and many of them do not have the same expertise in JavaScript as they do in Dart.
- The lack of features and tools, such as Hot Reload and Hot Restart, impacts development speed.
- Developers cannot share business logic and data models across the entire stack.
- Developers cannot use frequently used Dart packages on the…792 votes -
Support Swift in Cloud Functions
Swift is a much beloved and popular language for writing apps on the Apple platforms, but increasingly, it is also being used server side and even for writing cross platform business logic on Android and on Windows.
Being able to share models and business logic between your clients and server would be an amazing productivity boost. And being able to develop in a language that focuses on safety would eliminate categories of issues that can exist if you develop in say Javascript or Typescript.
317 votes -
41 votes
Auth onUpdate trigger for v1 and v2 functions
In the same way, we have onCreate and onDelete, it will be very helpful to have an onUpdate option. For example, so we can react to an email address change.
37 votes -
Create a context.auth (1st Gen) equivalent for 2nd Gen cloud function
1st gen cloud functions can access auth info via context.auth as described here: https://firebase.google.com/docs/database/extend-with-functions?gen=1st#accessing_user_authentication_information
But 2nd gen cloud functions is yet to have the same function.
33 votes -
Support Go in Cloud Functions
Go is much more efficient than Python or Js and should be the obvious choice for backend where performance is crucial
32 votes -
Better support for Cloud Tasks, e.g. queues
It is currently already possible to create google cloud tasks. However, this could be better integrated by creating an abstraction for queues, for example, which can also be monitored and controlled via the admin console and firebase emulator.
27 votes -
Support TypeScript in Cloud Functions
It's a pain to have to configure a process to watch and transpile TypeScript files to use in the emulator. Firebase CLI should have built-in support for it both in the emulator (with automatic watching, or on-the-fly transpilation as I showed here https://github.com/firebase/firebase-tools/issues/5633#issuecomment-1622585432) and when deploying.
26 votes -
Automatic Deployment of Changed Firebase Functions
Firebase should offer a built-in feature to automatically detect changes to Cloud Functions and deploy only those functions, grouped into manageable batches to avoid rate limits. This feature would streamline deployments by:
- Scanning the project directory to identify functions with modified code since the last deployment.
- Automatically batching the deployment of changed functions based on rate limit thresholds (e.g., 8-10 functions per batch).
- Handling the deployment process transparently within the Firebase CLI or CI/CD integrations, reducing manual intervention.
This functionality would save time, minimize deployment errors, and improve developer workflows, particularly in large projects with numerous functions.
21 votes -
Edge Runtime for functions
Bring in Edge Runtime for functions to perform high performance tasks in the edge cloud for faster responses.
18 votes -
Support Jvm languages (Java/Kotlin) in Cloud Functions
Jvm languages are not supported in Cloud Functions today, so developers need to use more than one language in their code base.
16 votes -
13 votes
12 votes
Add API to make it easy to build rate limiting in HTTPS functions
It would be awesome with some kind of helper built on memcache to allow rate limiting on user defined parameters.
E.g. if I build a webservice that can access an 'account' concept that I have modelled with some kind of access token I have modelled, then it would be nice to add rate limiting rules for either the specific access token or the entire account.
11 votes -
new Firebase Authentication trigger
firebase currently has two firebase auth triggers:
functions.auth.user().onDelete()I would like a trigger to respond to onLinkWithCredential so that I can update the user document in the user collection with the additional/changes from the new auth method
10 votes -
Add support using custom SA for 2nd gen cloud functions deployment
Currently using 2nd gen cloud functions requires having the default Compute Engine Service Account and there is no way to use custom service account.
Not all projects have the service account or have any means to re-create the default SA if it has been deleted at some point and using default service accounts is anyway something that is not recommended by Google. So currently not all can move to using 2nd gen cloud functions unless support for using custom SA is added.
6 votes -
Make the functions npm dependencies cache list public
An article and youtube video explains how to optimize cold boots by updating dependencies to 'commonly used versions' as this will increase the chance that the dependencies can already be found in the 'dependencies cache'.
This is quite vague and a bit hard to reason about. Would it be possible to see a list of package names and version info for all packages in the dependencies cache?
5 votes -
Add an option to host cloud function free of cost
We all knoow cloud functions are not free now. But it would be great if you kindly allow upto 3 cloud functions without all the expensive apis like cloud vision etc.
5 votes -
Functions is behind paywall, (it is still free for some limit in Blaze plan), but IF i upgrade to Blaze, then Cloud Storage, Hosting etc starts to charge right away, even in free plan they have free limits but once switched to Blaze it starts to charge. So to get free Functions, i have to pay cloud storage and hosting and more.
For any playground project that is not gonna hit market or earn money, how i am supposed to try/learn functions? This forces me to move away from platform
4 votes -
To implement userfriendly generative AI applications it is import to stream data produced by LLMs back to the users browser. Firebase currently buffers all content and only returns when data is complete. Is the firebase team planning to implement this?
4 votes
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