716 results found
7 votes
6 votes
Text recognition for web apps.
I'm using firebase with a Vue.js app, so I'd love to see documentation on how to use the text recognition ML feature with a web app.
2 votes -
Alphabetical Order
Would be extremely helpful having a filter for an ascending and descending list of the links.
1 vote -
Adding new google cloud locations to firebase services
The main idea is to have firebase services available in any location that is available in GCP. For example, a new middle east location is available on google cloud platform (e.g. Doha, Qatar), and it will make a difference in performance/pricing to have these locations in firebase as well; especially that firebase services are well-know and used in middle east.
2 votes -
Querying Changes in the Web Admin Console: Filter and Sort Criteria Retention Mystery
In the web admin console, we used to filter or sort documents. With the latest version, we are now required to do this every time we switch between collections, which is both annoying and time-consuming. I'm curious to know if the feature that used to retain previous filter and sort criteria was intentionally removed in the new release, or if it's a bug?
2 votes -
More Firebase emulator testing/building company owned device usage.
I think for the development of Emulators, the software development, learning, teaching and implementation, there needs to be more readily available devices that developers and testers can utilize for developmental learning. As a conservative company of development, we urge our team to try to learn as much about the latest devices, firmware and OS's they can. That being said, there's only so many hours in a day for them to do so, so I suggest we have more options to "borrow" a company device, to utilize having the physical device whilst testing/building Emulators and therin. Thank you
2 votes -
Push notifications tracking - Content message
GA4 works with Firebase SDK, and it's developed based on Events. Unlike UA, GA4 doesn't have the ability to track the performance of individual push notifications based on the message content. Our editorial team would like to be able to gauge and measure different types of messaging and tones. However, with the currect event-based system, there is not such a clear way to measure it. Any advice or best practices?
Stephanie1 vote -
Why can't we see the historical crash statistics
Recently I find that we can only check the recent four days' crash data even I select 'past 30 days', is there anything wrong? or why we are not allowed to check historical crash data?
1 vote -
Support array-contains-prefix operator in Firestore
You can build a search index in a Firestore collection by storing an array of search words.
If you query this property using 'array_contains' you get exact matches for your search string.
If you wish to build a prefix search, then you potentially need to store all prefixes of the words you need to index.Assuming that the array-contains is performing some kind of index scan, it would appear that it was possible to create an array-contains-prefix such that:
where('index', 'array-contains-prefix', 'fire')
would match the following documents[
{ index: ["firestore", "database"],
{ index: ["firebase", "dog"],
6 votes -
Support messaging in the C++ SDK on the desktop platforms
I want to use messaging as an alerting mechanism that drives application logic. I intend to support mobile platforms and desktops - Windows and macOS. Doing this in C++ from beginning to end is the most efficient.
2 votes -
signInWithCustomToken using Python
is it possible to use signInWithCustomToken to authenticate in Python and retrieve documents from a collection?
Does it work in Python only with cred = credentials.Certificate('serviceAccountKey.json')?Thanks
1 vote -
MFA option to "remember device"
User shouldn't have to enter MFA every time logging in on same device. There should be a boolean option remember device for some period of time (somewhere between 2 weeks and forever)
5 votes -
ROBLOX engine implementation
would be great if I could use the ROBLOX game engine with Firebase.
because I saw many other game engines use Firebase, like Unity I think will be great to have this feature.2 votes -
Add ability to view performance monitoring metrics per request method per url
Currently, we can view metrics for specific URL patterns; however, we cannot set up separate monitoring for different request methods (GET, PUT, POST, etc.) for the same URL pattern.
Either the ability to set up monitoring for a given request method + URL pattern combo, the ability to filter down into specific request methods for a given URL pattern, or both would be wonderful.
2 votes -
Add an option to host cloud function free of cost
We all knoow cloud functions are not free now. But it would be great if you kindly allow upto 3 cloud functions without all the expensive apis like cloud vision etc.
5 votes -
Futures feature
Values which should be computed only when outputting data, can be stored as futures.
6 votes -
Authentication feature in Android Wear / WearOS application
The ability to handle autentication and registration feature in android wear / wearos applications, using FirebaseUI or the official firebase auth library in gradle.
Ideally, the same features promoted to android apps but in the wearable world, taking in account the considerations related to battery, performance and data fetching and processing applied to wearables.
2 votes -
Expand the schema of the exported table from Firebase to BigQuery
We'd like to have the possibility to expand the schema [0] of the exported table from Firebase to BigQuery, in such a way that the following information appears in the exported table to BigQuery:
[0] https://firebase.google.com/docs/cloud-messaging/understand-delivery?platform=ios#what-data-exported
2 votes -
Firebase In-App Messaging
Currenty I do not see any option to "Compose a campaign" via APIs. If we could open up all the inapp creation/management interactions via APIs, it would be easy for companies to leverage those to customize their composing experience.
1 vote
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