718 results found
In Analytics Conversions Why can’t I find the unity ads network in the advertising network settings?
In Analytics Conversions
Why can’t I find the unity ads network in the advertising network settings?1 vote -
12 votes
13 votes
13 votes
13 votes
13 votes
Download the uploaded .ipa and apk file from App Distribution
- In the Firebase CLI
- In the Firebase Console
13 votes -
13 votes
List of all error codes in auth (Not the admin SDK)
Currently there is only a list of error codes the Admin SDK can receive, not for the web sdk.
5 votes -
Hosting CDN cache stale-while-revalidate
Time-to-first-byte from Firebase Functions is usually slow (more than 500ms) even without cold start, sometimes (with cold starts) TTFB becomes absolutely unacceptable for projects where performance is important. SSRed HTML is also not Brotli compressed as static files.
This is a really big problem to deploy SSR web apps to Firebase IMO, and cache SWR at the CDN layer (edge) would solve it perfectly.5 votes -
Crashlytics will report different stacks as different crash
Currently exception events are gathered as one issue depending solely on the actual exception location and its type.
Moreover, every such event pops all previous ones as regressed.
This makes it hard to follow the different issues. It is specifically a big problem where a fallback is used, with non-fatal crash reports in it. All crashes that ended up with the fallback are reported as one.
My suggestion is that different call stack and/or message will be shown as different issues. (Possibly with an option to set the differing place in the stack)2 votes -
Does Native Support for Authentication for EHR Providers like Epic and Cerner
Authentication is a difficult part of getting healthcare apps out there, and rightfully so, patient data security is hugely important. If Firebase offered this natively, not only would development be faster, but fewer mistakes/vulnerabilities would be present in healthcare apps that integrate with EHR.
1 vote -
2 votes
Firebase AppCheck (something like ReCaptcha Enterprise) for Expo React Native Android web app projects
How can I install Firebase AppCheck in my Expo React Native Android web app project? This app is deployed on Google play console registered as webapp on firebase.
ReCaptcha Enterprise
1 vote -
To implement userfriendly generative AI applications it is import to stream data produced by LLMs back to the users browser. Firebase currently buffers all content and only returns when data is complete. Is the firebase team planning to implement this?
4 votes -
Restrict Unauthenticated PURGE requests
At the moment Hosting is using Varnish cache which developers do not have access so they can't configure it, this leaves a small window for people to continuously Purge the page and increase the developer's usage
10 votes -
Firestore Index Name
As a Firestore project grows, so do the number of Composite Indexes.
While the fields are visible, being able to name a composite index would allow us to define which specific feature(s) a composite index is tied to, allowing us to remove unused indexes if they're no longer relevant.
9 votes -
should be able to sort data and select data with criteria on different fields
should be able to sort data and select data with criteria on different fields (the limitation section on https://firebase.google.com/docs/firestore/query-data/order-limit-data?hl=en&authuser=0)
2 votes -
Add API to make it easy to build rate limiting in HTTPS functions
It would be awesome with some kind of helper built on memcache to allow rate limiting on user defined parameters.
E.g. if I build a webservice that can access an 'account' concept that I have modelled with some kind of access token I have modelled, then it would be nice to add rate limiting rules for either the specific access token or the entire account.
11 votes -
11 votes
- Don't see your idea?