724 results found
Mobile friendly console
The console is barely useable on Chrome for Android. Please make mobile browsers first-class supported devices.
93 votes -
GitLab support for Firebase App Hosting
We (and I'm sure many others) have large data repositories in GitLab using its CI system, and for technical and political reasons, we do not plan to migrate to any other code repository.
Firebase App Hosting seems to be tightly integrated with GitHub only. Extending its support to GitLab (or other Git repositories) would greatly help with adoption, even if it requires manual CI configuration.
5 votes -
Firestore return document when it gets updated
As we get the whole document when it is created, it would be nice to get it as well when it gets updated.
Online game where 4 people join together. In document, we have a list of players with their names. These names should be displayed for all players. Last user joins closing the session. To get the rest of the names after update the document with this last player, I need to do an extra read.Problem:
I am making an entra call for every player, affecting my quota limitation.Solution:
Return updated document.10 votes -
VueJS support for App Hosting
Allow Firebase App Hosting to support VueJS framework
7 votes -
Support for custom docker images for cloud run in firebase app hosting
Although current version of firebase hosting is optimized for next and angular, I don't see why I can't use the same to run pure backend services written in any language if google cloud run is used in the background. If it's possible to use your own dockerfile and mention a port for listening to traffic, using your own build process within the dockerfile, I can setup custom backend with the simplicity of firebase.
I would get control over binaries in my backend, like puppeteer needs chrome etc.
I would get auto-ssl, auto scaling , load balancing capabilities
This can be…6 votes -
Make Phone Auth support MFA
Food delivery services usually need to know the phone number of their customers, to guarantee that the deliveries will be smooth.
So, a food delivery app would probably prefer authenticating users by phone number rather than by email address.
Phone auth on its own isn’t particularly secure, though, so it would be nice to allow users to optionally add email authentication as a second factor.
As of right now, phone auth doesn’t support MFA, though, which means that a food delivery app might want to force users to use email and phone 2FA right away, which might seem intrusive to…
2 votes -
Share phone number with project if Firebase knows that number via another project
Would be a HUGE cost saver given the increased pricing of SMS multi factor authentication.
If Firebase knows the phone number / email via another project, offer the app user to share their phone number with this app and skip costly SMS verification.
1 vote -
Firebase does not provide data in debug view.
We have several apps where the debug view does not provide adequate reporting in realtime of the events. Events with not appear in debug view, but will be seen in RealTime reporting or vice-versa. Debug-view is not reliable for Enterprise work.
3 votes -
Support Bitbucket
Support bitbucket as a source repo provider
7 votes -
Add GitLab as a Provider to be able to link repositories
Ask the cloud team to add GitLab as a Provider, including the CE version.
7 votes -
7 votes
AlloyDB Datasource
Support AlloyDB as a datasource for Data Connect in addition to Cloud SQL via the same PostgreSQL bindings
7 votes -
Advanced Vector Embeddings with pgvector
Create and store advanced embeddings for Data Connect types in pgvector through support of configurable chunking strategies and automatic embedding by annotations.
7 votes -
Ability to disable deleting collections and documents from firebase console
In Firebase's Firestore, a user with write access to a project can simply delete any document and even a whole collection with multiple documents with a single click. This is a major security problem as any of my team member may end up deleting a whole collection with millions of documents in under a minute, through the Firebase console.
I would like to request for a feature to disable this.
To be clear - The possibility to grant write access without delete access. Currently, if I am not mistaken, through the User and Permissions panel it's kind of "all or…
12 votes -
Similar to __name__, allow ordering documents by internal createdAt / updatedAt sentinel value
A document always maintain createdAt / updatedAt timestamp value internally. But these fields can't be used for ordering documents.
For example :-
(This is possible)
await citiesRef.orderBy('name').limit(3).get();
(This is NOT possible)
await citiesRef.orderBy('created_at').limit(3).get();
Currently if we need order by timestamp, we need to maintain a separate timestamp field alongside internal createdAt / updatedAt fields. Then create index over that additional field to perform order by timestamp.
Similar to name sentinel, firestore should provide created_at and updated_at sentinel for ordering document. These sentinel should work without any new index, ascending or descending order.
1 vote -
Search collections in Firestore by field values
Ability to search collections and documents in the Firestore UI.
84 votes -
Support building XCTest with Xcode 16
We would like to build and run our XCTest cases using the latest Xcode 16. According to 'gcloud firebase test ios versions list' the latest supported Xcode version is 15.3.
2 votes -
15 votes
Data Transformation With CEL expression
I love that data connect supports
{.._expr: "auth.uid"}
to define server value based on Firebase auth token.What about other CEL operations?
I want the ability to perform simple transformation using GraphQL variables, Firebase auth token and current timestamp. For example:
_expr: "'hello from ' + auth.email"
I want the ability to combine data from different sources. Like execute a query and then use its result to perform another query or mutation. CEL expression can help cross reference data in previous steps.
6 votes -
Test Lab for web / PWA
Support web for Test Lab so I can test my PWA's on real devices
1 vote
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