752 results found
Add support for local npm packages
Change the behavior of dpeloy for functions so that if a local (file based) npm package is listed in the package dependencies, the package will be uploaded with the function.
It is a major pain for local packages to not be supported in uploading cloud functions.
2 votes -
My gmail photos recovering
2 votes -
API support for insertMany and updateMany
Currently Data Connect insertMany and updateMany mutations do not support being passed multiple records via the SDK. Figure out a way to enable this so we can insert multiple rows in the same “@transaction” via the API.
6 votes -
@unique argument to use UNIQUE NULLS NOT DISTINCT
Add an argument to the @unique annotation that allows users to choose between using PostgreSQL's "UNIQUE NULLS NOT DISTINCT" constraint or the standard "UNIQUE" constraint when defining a unique constraint.
1 vote -
Clickable results in firebase query mode
When using Firebase UI query mode, the results are not really human readable. I'd like the document ID field to be clickable, taking me to the panel view of that document, so I can see the document in a readable way.
1 vote -
Firebase project config in env
Cloud functions do provide process. env.FIREBASE_CONFIG.
One can set it in the yaml, but it would be nice if app hosting would provide these automatically.
1 vote -
Support submodules
Support submodules for automated builds.
Currently, builds fail when checking out submodules.
1 vote -
Authentication using email OTP verification for Firebase login
I want to be able to perform an OTP verification for logging into my application using firebase.
I want this feature to follow the following user journey:
- Request OTP for login.
- OTP sent to my email.
- I type in the OTP for verification.
- Authentication and access granted.1 vote -
Better Composite Indexes UI
Currently, table for Composite Indexes is hard to read, I have some suggestions:
1. Sort collection ID alphabetically
2. Group by collection ID
3. On Fields Indexed, remove "name"
4. Shorten "Ascending" to "Asc" and "Descending" to "Desc"
5. Fields shown in Fields Indexed column should be displayed vertically1 vote -
View Firestore Total Space Used
Currently, billing/usage only shows usage for reads/writes/deletes. We are also being billed for total storage space. Can you please add observability into how much space is currently being used across each Firestore Database?
5 votes -
Support a repl/shell in firebase CLI
Some operations can only be preformed through the firebase-admin SDK, or sometimes you just want to run/test some Firestore query.
The Firebase CLI can provide a "shell" command that opens a Node.js REPL with the firebase-admin SDK preconfigured and global variables such as "db", "auth" that you can then use to interact with Firebase.
This was so much needed that I implemented this by myself in our project as a custom package.json scripts.
1 vote -
Support skipping deploy targets that are configured empty
Sometimes you have deploy target that you want to not deploy in some projects.
Currently if a deploy target is not configured or empty, the CLI will error.
It would be nice if it just skipped deploying that configuration if the deploy target is explicitly configured empty.
This is also useful to allow varying configuration in different projects, as you can deploy different target configurations depending on the selected project this way.
1 vote -
Hosting should preserve the client's IP address when proxying to Cloud Run
When using hosting with rewrites to Cloud Run (e.g., routing all requests to /api/** to a Cloud Run container), the clientIp always reflects the IP address of a Google server rather than the actual client’s IP address. As a result, filtering incoming requests by IP address in the logs viewer becomes impossible.
It would be great if the x-forwarded-for header could be used to populate this field instead.1 vote -
Stability score
Currently firebase crashlytics shows crash free users and crash free sessions, although ANRs are also equally important. ANRs create a bad user experience which is comparable to a crash.
By showing a stability score which considers ANRs as well as crashes, we can show a true representation of app health. This can be at the session level.
1 vote -
Web SDK generation to also export schema types
Currently the dataconnect:sdk:generate command in firebase-tools will generate functions for queries and mutations. There are cases where having TypeScript interface reflections of the schema types would also be beneficial.
AFAIK there's no existing tooling that will conveniently do this mapping (due missing types that one can find in .dataconnect/schema/prelude.gql when the emulator is running).
2 votes -
Add Support for Firebase App Check Without Requiring Authentication for Android Storage Access
The issue I am encountering is quite unusual. It arises whenever we try to access storage, even though I am using App Check and Firebase authentication is not required. Our App Check setup appears to be functioning correctly, and we can fetch data without any problems. However, these errors still appear in the console. This issue is occurring only in the Android, while the iOS works fine.
Console error:
error getting token java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: com.google.firebase.internal.api.FirebaseNoSignedInUserException: Please sign in before trying to get a token.0 votes -
Fix GitHub integration
- In the app hosting wizard: Connecting a GitHub account that is not the owner of the GitHub repository and then removing it breaks the GitHub integration process and the App Hosting set up process.
- Being just a collaborator to a GitHub repo doesn't make it visible in the App Hosting Set Up wizard, you have to connect with the GitHub account of the owner of the repo.
Error messages:
- Connection verification failed: unable to verify the authorization token: GET https://api.github.com/user: 401 Bad credentials []: failed precondition.
- Error: Request to https://developerconnect.googleapis.com/v1/projects/PROJECT-ID/locations/europe-west4/connections/firebase-app-hosting-github-oauth:fetchGitHubInstallations had HTTP Error: 400, Failed to list GitHub installations
2 votes -
Accept Firebase Terms of Service via Terraform
There is no possibility to accept Firebase Terms of Service automatically (or at least manually in advance, without the need to go through manual Firebase project creation process) when using Firebase via Terraform.
When trying to create a Firebase project using Terraform (add googlefirebaseproject resource), apparently unaccepted ToS cause 403 "Error creating Project".
After at least one Firebase project is created manually via Firebase Console, creation project via Terraform works.
It would be great to separate accepting ToS from project creation or at least improve error message in this case.
Here are some examples:
https://stackoverflow.com/a/79345435/148661921 vote -
Introduce Simplified Serverless PostgreSQL with Streamlined Pricing
ostgreSQL is becoming the go-to database for many applications. Adding a serverless PostgreSQL service to Firebase with simple, predictable pricing to compete with supabase would be a game-changer. This would complement Firebase Data Connect by offering:
Full SQL capabilities
Real-time features
Easy integration with existing Google Cloud services
Simplified scaling and management
This addition would combine Firebase's ease of use with PostgreSQL's power, catering to projects needing complex queries and data manipulations. It provides an accessible option for developers who need relational database capabilities without the complexity of GraphQL or usage-based pricing. Leveraging Google Cloud's infrastructure, it would offer reliability…8 votes -
Allow to connect emulator with a tier SQL client
I get that firebase dev really want to push their DataConnect api but any full featured tiers SQL client would allow us to have a wider view of what worked in our dev environment.
It would be way faster than using any official cli or any generated query to look how our data is shaped within the database.
1 vote
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