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  1. With multi-db support in Firestore now launched, this enabled a ton of new features, though the way permissions are granted is not ideal.


    Instead of being able to attach permissions to individual databases, you have to use conditional IAM permissions on a project level.


    This leads to problems when you want to grant IAM permissions to employees with access to only a subset of databases.
    Granting a subset of databases to access will prevent them from using the Firebase / Google Cloud console, as they will not have permission to view all databases.


    Also conditional IAM permissions…

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  3. nativePollOnce should be excluded from ANR in Firebase

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  4. Currently, sending email verification is done through the client-side sdk. There is no method (to my knowledge) for sending email verification via the Admin SDK in a server environment.

    The only workaround seems to be the "generateEmailVerificationLink" function but that requires the use of a custom email service. This is different from the client-sdk functionality.

    The use case is SSR focused apps where user creation is also done via the Admin SDK and/or where support for no-js availability is a requirement.

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  5. I believe that by simply allowing access to the whereArrayContains filter value, it should be possible to solve for a use-case which can generally only be resolved using an SQL/relational database or cloud functions.

    Take the following query;

              collection(db, "profiles"),
              where("groupProfileLinkIdReference", "array-contains", "groupProfileLinkId1"),

    If we can access the value which in this case is "groupProfileLinkId1", it becomes possible to do the following;

    match /profiles/{profileId} {
          allow list: if validateListProfileDbEntry();
    function validateListProfileDbEntry(){
      let groupProfileLinkId =[0];
      let groupProfileLink = get(/databases/$(database)/documents/groupProfileLink/$(groupProfileLinkId)).data;
      return groupProfileLink.isApproved == true;

    The way the data is modelled is that every time…

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    2 comments  ·  Firestore  ·  Admin →
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  6. 我在Google开发者平台提交技术支持抛出"Error submitting request. Please try again later."错误,致使我无法寻求帮助。我不知道为什么会这样.....

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    0 comments  ·  In-App Messaging  ·  Admin →
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  7. In firebase remote config you can have a multi-line string (ie have new lines), but as far as I can tell this isn't possible when setting up the variant in an A/B test this means we can't make small A/B test changes to multi-line text

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    0 comments  ·  Remote Config  ·  Admin →
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  8. For security, I would like to be able to completely disable functions in my account. So nothing can be done without an extra authentication (e.g. admin password).

    This to prevent large bills due to errors in the software or due to bad actors. Especially since this whole Google Cloud is completely connected to Firebase, the risk of a mistake or a bad actor is higher

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    0 comments  ·  Firebase console  ·  Admin →
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  9. I saw this on the documentation website: "Note: The limits for email link sign-in emails were recently changed. Please add a billing instrument to go beyond 5 email link sign-in emails."

    It's really strange that you quietly set the limit of sign-in emails to 5. Why? It makes no sense. For testing it's too low, and for production of course.

    First you hook developers up to Firebase and then you quietly lower the limits. Good business practices.

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  10. 1 vote

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    2 comments  ·  Cloud Messaging  ·  Admin →
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  11. please support me

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  12. OrderBy should be able to return collection item when target property is null.

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  13. I'd like to use Firebase for app/web hosting, but it appears that that Firebase only really supports java apps. For my Shiny or Streamlit apps, I can't even use Firebase user authentication for web hosting, and instead I have to set up a load balance and IAP. I have been using the Cloud Run Custom Domain mapping integration for Cloud Run services, until I hit the "dead end" of a max 15 SSL certificates for a single GCP project (certificate setup cannot be changed in the GCP Cloud run web UI). I was hoping that Firebase would be a good…

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  14. I created a deeplink that opens in the in-app browser.
    Sometimes this deeplink works correctly for some users, while for others it does not. When it doesn't work, users are redirected to a Firebase error page (Page Not Found).

    I tried encoding the URL used as the Dynamic Link,
    but it still sometimes results in a Page Not Found error.

    The main issue is that the same Dynamic Link URL works for some users but not for others.
    What could be the cause of this?

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    0 comments  ·  Dynamic Links  ·  Admin →
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  15. I have a domain with the extension: .guru,
    but when I enter the domain to firebase for authentication, it doesn;t accept it as a valid domain name! HELP PLEASE!

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  16. Chair service

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  17. Robo de datos personales

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  18. 1 vote

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  19. Can view all types of prints on this app

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  20. I'm creating an Open Source Cloud Native Platform based on Firebase. Every installation requires manual steps, to enable specific APIs.
    Please provide a configuration file where I can configure all required Google Cloud services (like Google Translate, Storage, Artifact Registry, etc ...).
    It will facilitate the automatic installation of Firebase applications.

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