716 results found
Firebase Authentication Setup API
I'm running the Web/APP builder platform using user's own Firebase. However, when user is creating platform through my service, Authentication setup API is limited to Blaze plans users.
Please provide the Authentication Setup API also for Spark Plan user.
Spark Plan user is highly possible to be the Blaze plan user in the future if Firebase provide a contentable user's experience.35 votes -
35 votes
Add devices running iOS 17 and 18 in Test Lab
The newest iPhone model and iOS version available to run in Test Lab is an iPhone 14 Pro running iOS 16.6. With iOS 18 recently released, it would be great to have support for newer devices (iPhone 15 and 16 models) running the newest iOS versions (17.x and 18.x).
34 votes -
Firebase Storage Setup API Issue
I'm running the Web/APP builder platform using user's own Firebase. However, when user is creating platform through my service, Storage setup API is limited to existing users who have previously set up Cloud Storage. I have discovered that the existed Storage Setup API is available for both Spark and Blaze plans but not for new Firebase user who has never setup the Storage.
Please provide the Storage Setup API also for new firebase user34 votes -
Allow connecting the web client to HTTPS-hosted emulators (for Web Push testing & more)
Allow connecting the web client to HTTPS-hosted emulators (for Web Push testing & more)
Browsers nowadays require HTTPS-hosted sites to use some privileged features, like Web Push. HTTPS-hosted sites also typically can not request HTTP content from APIs ("protocol downgrade" errors).
Most Firebase Emulators are not built to work with HTTPS, which puts up a big obstacle to test HTTPS-enabled features on external devices (e.g. test locally-hosted Web Push server code on an external Android phone).
Server-side: Firebase emulators don't offer ways to be served over HTTPS, but tools like ngrok or a local HTTPS proxy offer simple workarounds for…
34 votes -
Having pure Dart SDKs for Firebase
Note: If your top priority is to use Flutter with Firebase on Windows/Linux, this may not be the best option.
Currently, the Flutter SDKs (also known as FlutterFire) are wrappers around other existing SDKs, such as the iOS, Android, and web SDKs. This allows Flutter apps to target these platforms when using Firebase. However, if a Flutter app needs to target other platforms, it is not possible. A pure Dart SDK would allow developers to target all the devices that Flutter supports, but they would need to manually customize the integration with Google Analytics in Firebase. This manual integration could…
34 votes -
Make AngularFire an offcially supported library
The AngularFire library gets updated really slow so we miss out on some of the latest features. There are lots of issues that doesn't get solved and the documentation is very lacking. They are both Google products and make an awesome combination but if the library does not get enough support/resources we're forced to migrate to plain javascript firebase. Please make it an official library or something so more resources are assigned to AngularFire.
33 votes -
Create a context.auth (1st Gen) equivalent for 2nd Gen cloud function
1st gen cloud functions can access auth info via context.auth as described here: https://firebase.google.com/docs/database/extend-with-functions?gen=1st#accessing_user_authentication_information
But 2nd gen cloud functions is yet to have the same function.
33 votes -
Firebase-UI Support
The firebase-ui https://github.com/firebase/firebaseui-web seems to no longer be supported. It currently doesn't support the latest firebase versions: https://github.com/firebase/firebaseui-web/issues/1107
32 votes -
Support Go in Cloud Functions
Go is much more efficient than Python or Js and should be the obvious choice for backend where performance is crucial
32 votes -
Custom Claims Editor
Show Custom Claims and allow them to be managed in the Firebase Authentication Console (like in the Emulator). Usefull for manually creating the first super user, for example.
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32 votes
Support fetching/returning data from mutations
Currently mutations return only the primary key of the created record, but it would be nice to be able to fetch the full record (including e.g. defaulted values) as part of a mutation.
30 votes -
Add real time support to the Firebase Javascipt SDK for Remote Config
Real time fetches are currently supported for all platforms except the Javascript SDK. I'd like to be able to fetch in real time across all of my apps: iOS, Android, and Web.
30 votes -
DocumentReference join query
Please add a join query to Cloud Firestore. It seems that using DocumentReference for the join would be appropriate.
29 votes -
Crashlytics custom alerts
Crashlytics velocity alerting mechanism is very basic and it unfortunately generates a lot of false positive alerts. Support more advanced alarm settings
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28 votes
Field Validation
Allow validation (e.g. min/max values, length, regex match) with custom error messages on both fields and variables. Enforce validation server-side but also provide client-side validation of variables for generated SDKs.
27 votes -
Custom Serverless Resolvers
Write Node.js resolvers to enhance Data Connect with arbitrary server logic. Resolvers will be authored alongside the Data Connect schema and deployed to serverless infrastructure. Resolvers can either provide new top-level Query and Mutation fields or integrate with SQL table types.
27 votes -
Better support for Cloud Tasks, e.g. queues
It is currently already possible to create google cloud tasks. However, this could be better integrated by creating an abstraction for queues, for example, which can also be monitored and controlled via the admin console and firebase emulator.
27 votes
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